Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Makan tengahari di dalam saung, cara orang Sunda, makanan di hidangkan dipondok-pondok jauh dari tempat memasak
Fatih jadi heran kenapa ayah dia tidak duduk tempat memandu, pake supir lah
Fatin bergambar di depan Banglo mewah tempat kami menginap di Bandung
Fatih terpaksa di susukan, diuntuk elakkan telinganya berdesing semasa pesawat berlepas dan turun,
Di LCCT Sepang, flight delayed 1/2hour
BTW, sukes juga, boleh bawa anak isteri makan angin, bawa naik flight, bawa shopping, tengok benda-benda baru yang bukan semua orang boleh. Alhamdulillah, Aku dah plan percutian ini enam bulan lepas, booking flight awal-awal dapat harga yang kita mampu.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Air Asia oh Air Asia
After waiting the whole morning I boarding a new Air Asia Airbus to Jakarta at 13.40pm, schedule arrived at 2.30pm WIB. While waiting to be boarding, I managed to get a few new friends, where one of them is a young creative malay guy, who own a company in Jakarta. Like me he also missed his morning flight.
In the plane, I seated near the window, while two seats before me is occupied by old Indonesian couples from Medan, Sumatra. I'm busying counting the cumulus nimbus and totally ignored the couples. They talking to each other and I overheard that's they are visiting their relative in Perak and Penang and now on the way to Jakarta visit their childrens. Both of them wearing surgery musk, protection against swine flu virus. I saw the wife offer sweet and chocolate to her husband, and they noticed that I'm looking at them.
Suddenly I feel my hand touched and I saw the old man holding some sweets to me, "Sugar Sir", yeah that uncle offer to me some sweets and I just say "Thank You" and in my mind I said" I don't take sugar" hehe
The sugar offer break the ice between me and the old man, we are talking about how closed between people in Indonesia and Malaysia, and he confirm these by saying many of his relative reside in Malaysia and coming to Malaysia is like balik kampung to him. Then I'm talking about culture, where we both share the same culture, and I ask him why some people in Indonesia protesting. The answer are very simple, he said " Iya, benar, banyak yang sama, tetapi pihak Malaysia telah patenkan (patent) most of them, jadi kami di Indonesia akan jadi tukang tiru selepas ini, walhal kebanyakannya asal dari Indonesia". "Oh, Ituu yang sebenarnya" I said.
Yes, our greedy politician never thinking what's other people think.
There's something big waiting at Jakarta Airport, my heart keep beating heavily, wait until we reached there.....
The plane reached Cengkareng Airport on time, still early, about 4pm Malaysian time. I need to find taxi to Bandung, still remember that's bapak telling me, the fare is about RP300,000, so after check up (clearence) from Imigrasi and Indonesia custom, I go to the Taxi counter, asking for single trip to Bandung, to my surprise they asking me RP1ml for 3 hrs trip, try to nego, but they are not to lower then RP800,ooo. It's too expensive to me, guy's next counter offer me RP600,000, I just accepted because the local time shown 4.30 already, at 5.00pm jalannya pasti macet (traffic jam).
The guy took my baggage and proceed to upper floor, where the taxi is waiting for me. It's Suzuki AP MPV style vehicle, drive by 40yrs old man name Komad. I telling him I just pay Rp600k for his service, and he said, "aduhh,, bapak udah di tipu, sepatutnya nggak lebih dari Rp300k". Wah, how come I get cheated by taxi counter, normally taxi driver cheat the passenger. Now I learned new lessons, do not trust any body. we go trough Jakarta highway, I saw many accidents and the supir said " mau cepat, takut macet, langsung jadi lambat". "Oh ya bapak kesini ada urusan apa?" suddenly the driver ask me. I said, "business, ambil barang di Bandung bawa langsung ke Malaysia". Then, " Oh, saya ingat bapak mau ambil mayatnya Nurdin" Wah, that's kills me, who is this guy, why he mention Nurdin (Md Top) the most wanted man in Indonesia. Do I look like Taliban, or he suspected me one of the terrorist?
Quite, I'm in very deep thinking, why he ask me that's. My knee shaking, this is Jakarta, where 25 million people live, every body with their own agenda. What is his agenda, try to kidnap me and .....
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Bandung Lagi 11 May 2009
Dah sampai LCCT, sepang
Bandung Airport dah ada waiting lounge yang agak selesa
memasak soerabi, di sini merokok tak jadi kesalahan semasa handling food, entahlah, almost everybody (male) hisap rokok disini, maybe sebab cuacanya sejuk sikit
Malam ni si Agung belanja makan Soerabi, makanan asli Bandung, rasanya macam lempeng yang di bubuh topping, samada pisang, jem, keju dll
Josef, terperanjat juga bila dia kata dia dah naik haji tahun lepas
Rumah Mode
Sempat juga shopping di Heritage (Jln Riau) dan di Rumah Mode (di Setiabudhi)
Unik lagi, wajah2 yang diukir/tampal pada tembok batu, jalan masuk ke rumah anak yatim (
Lanskap tepi jalan di Bandung, memang unik
Ini yang istimewanya orang Indonesia, pengukir jati di tepi jalan
Hari kedua, aku cuba jalan kaki dari hotel ke Simpang Dago,
Sorang lagi my good friend di Bandung, 'Agung'
Lepak2 Di Paris Van Java Shopping Cplx, memang happening tempat ni, lebih kurang macam di Sri Hartamas, KL
Wah, Makan malam Josef bawa ke Road Cafe, Spaghetti dan Fish Fillet nya memang sedap, lain kali memang nak bawa family makan kat sini. Harganya biasalah, standard di Bandung, 2 orang makan tak kan lebih dari RP50,000 lebih kurang dalam RM15.00
Sembahyang maghrib sama dengan Josef di Masjid Ukhwuwwah, Bandung
Nak keluar Ke Simpang Dago, tunggu Angkot, hujan masih lebat, tompang jap di gerai Bakso ni, biasalah tak ada tempat nak duduk, for standing customers only
Ini yang istimewa, lanscape nya terjaga cantik
Inside the hotel room, not bad kan?
Menginap Di Puri Tomat hotel, no star, janji boleh mandi, solat dan tidur, for 155,000 Rupiah semalam, air panas, TV dan sarapan pagi disediakan (dihantar terus kedalam bilik-biasalah nak tips)
Masuk sahaja ke kawasan dataran di tanah Jawa, selepas sahaja melepasi Jakarta, hujan sudah mula turun, rasanya pilot flight ni terpaksa terbang rendah untuk keselamatan, kelihatan lautan sawah padi di bawah sana
This is the problem kalau kita naik flight tengahhari, awan kumulusnimbus dah menebal, selalunya kelancaran penerbangan akan sedikit terganggu, banyak kali pilot memberi arahan supaya pasangkan sabuk pengaman (tali pinggang keselamatan)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Istanbul, Turkey

Street vendors, wow I can imagine how fresh the apples and oranges here, meditranean country

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Bandung, shopping and eating
no table and chairs allowed
Lunch ala Sunda, where the food(tempe, shrimps etc) was fried before served
with rice, ulams and sambal
2 fruits juice, 2 seafood nasigorengs at 50000 RP (RM15.00) our lunch at Amanda cafe.
How it's cost here (cafe?)
I saw this tapai ubi seller (tape singkong) one morning at Chihampelas,
after about 15 minutes the 1st bakul already half empty.
Tudung's for everyone, variety, at Pasar Baru Complex
Fruits seller at Pasar Baru Complex
Our hotel at Jalan Juanda (Dago Area)
At first I refused to allowed my wife buying fruits from road side vendors,
but the colour and presentation make me changed my mind
and my wife is 6 month pregnant
with rice, ulams and sambal
How it's cost here (cafe?)
after about 15 minutes the 1st bakul already half empty.
but the colour and presentation make me changed my mind
and my wife is 6 month pregnant
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